Magrath Sun 26 Oct 2014: "Stayed up to 1am last night telling Ma (because she had to work at DW till 11pm) all about the great talks at the Sat night [conference] session .. Adrien had played her flute as part of the youth choir final number (great job, eh) and Pa was quoted a few times in the Trek video (Ma was too shy to go on camera). Even saw a bunch of our treklings there in the audience and in the choir and in the video! Sweet
Video is posted on the site already at
Ma was surprised they got a good shot of the old guitelele .. and of us holding hands on the final walk out of the valley .. and what a great bunch of kids! As Bro Evans said as he started his talk last night, "my trek family was the best" .. I concur - ours was too! No wonder all my talks in July and thereafter reference trek somehow .."