When Bro Karren asked me to speak in church, he gave me the option of speaking on the topic of Pride or on Humility. I told him I had much more experience with the one vs the other, and so I will devote my talk today to the subject of .. Pride. Well, perhaps we will touch on a bit of both: What about - ‘Prideful humility’ vs ‘Humble pride’?
“We have been taught, and we understand, that we must do as the Lord commands ... “ (Primary Song 172 ‘We’ll Bring the World His Truth’). We are taught from scripture, from our leaders, and from out pulpits and, I trust, from above.
The scriptures are replete with scripture where the Lord freely forgives. My search online at (lds.org/scriptures) showed 90 specific references in the Standard Works, 25 from our Doctrine and Covenants, the scripture written most closely to our day. For example: (110:5) to Joseph/Oliver “Behold, your sins are forgiven you; you are clean before me; therefore, lift up your heads and rejoice.”; (25:3) to Emma “Behold, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou art an elect lady, whom I have called.”; (112:3) and to other church leaders (Thomas B Marsh – senior apostle of the twelve at the time) “Nevertheless, inasmuch as thou hast abased thyself thou shalt be exalted; therefore, all thy sins are forgiven thee.” ; to us all (58:42) “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.”; (29:3) “Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, that at this time your sins are forgiven you, therefore ye receive these things; but remember to sin no more, lest perils shall come upon you.”; (61:2) “Behold, verily thus saith the Lord unto you, O ye elders of my church, who are assembled upon this spot, whose sins are now forgiven you, for I, the Lord, forgive sins, and am merciful unto those who confess their sins with humble hearts;”; (64:3) “There are those among you who have sinned; but verily I say, for this once, for mine own glory, and for the salvation of souls, I have forgiven you your sins.”; (50:36) “And behold, verily I say unto you, blessed are you who are now hearing these words of mine from the mouth of my servant, for your sins are forgiven you.” Sitting in our testimony meeting last week I was thinking on just what it meant to bear and to have a testimony. While I would have liked to be one of those standing to bear a testimony, I didn't really have anything very extraordinary to say, time was short with many others already speaking, and many other perfectly appropriate excuses came to my mind. I have a testimony. I know that God exists, that this is His church. He directs the leaders of this Church to our benefit, that living and following His teachings will bring us closer to Him. We are blessed when we follow him.
In chapter 13 of 2nd Corinthians, Paul states: “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (2 Cor. 13:1).
In our family scripture studies of late, I have wondered exactly what is meant by the verses that say: “For many are called, but few are chosen.” In the New Testament (in Matthew 22:14) it is given at the end of a parable about those invited to a wedding feast who were refused entry, because they chose to arrive dressed inappropriately (i.e. they chose to arrive unprepared). In modern day scripture, it is given again in answer to a prayer by the prophet Joseph Smith while a prisoner in Liberty Jail (D&C 121) - after describing the fate of those who chose to persecute the saints, states “Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?” |
Roger DaviesMy mom (and my grandkids) couldn't be at all my public speaking assignments, so I post them here for them/her and you to read .. Archives
May 2023