To My Good Trek Family Children, where ever you are today!
Daughters: Hope, Faith, Charity, Grace, Mercy, Harmony and Felicity
and Sons: Lehi, Ammon, Mormon, Mosiah and Nephi
Ma says we love you and miss you all .. and I concur.

The Canada Day holiday is now quickly approaching. We have eighteen grandchildren, with our two oldest grandchildren graduating from the Magrath High School this year and the youngest graduating from Kindergarten. We also have 2 great grandchildren now both still in our ward nursery class (if we ever get to attend church in person again) and whom we get to watch on weekends. Meanwhile, I decided to celebrate this year with some window/lawn art. I wonder what you all are up to? I have gleaned a little from visits with your parents and family members and occasionaly from yourselves. I hear Hope and her toddler Ivy are visiting Canada (currently in a required 2 week quarantine) from the USA to visit with her brother who is preparing to leave on his own mission. Ammon is 18 months into his mission in BC and happens to be companion to my boss's son (who was reassigned from Africa (Swahili) back to Canada (BeCeEh) due to Covid 19). We saw Lehi helping restore the original brick veneer on the Roosters building. Harmony has tied the knot and Charity is planning the same very soon now. School and Missions, Jobs and Marriages. Everyone is moving on with their lives nicely.
The world out there IS seeming a bit crazy now. Apres Covid, enforced isolation, jobs lost, church and schools closed, mobs rant and rule, police and the rule of law and communities under attack, statues are falling and buildings have been burned, borders are closed, and a second Covid wave may arrive at any moment. Fortunately, we have ongoing uplifting guidance from our church leaders to help us cope! Currently Elder Gong: "While we may be physically distant from each other, we do not have to be spiritually distant from Jesus Christ. You and I can use this unique time as an opportunity to “hear Him.” Elder Holland: "Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever." Elder Stevenson: "Each of us can hear Him by listening to and heeding the promptings of the Holy Ghost." Mosiah 7:19 "Put your trust in God." and even this article: "Finding Unity in a Time of Division". We also have our own life experiences to draw from including our Trek family experience in the Valley of the Camp of Zion in the broad shadow of Old Chief mountain. I like to occasionally remember by reviewing my trek journal notes and fondly reflecting on some of the pictures we took there. And now as back then, it is time to put our boots back on and get out there and push/pull our handcart(s) up/down the trail.
Happy trails to all!
Love Ma and Pa Davies