In the Oct 1954 issue of the Improvement Era page 768 it reads, "A Trio of Winners. Elizabeth Spencer with her brothers (l. to r.) Campbell and Lloyd. All who know them are very proud of this family and the record they have established.
Over the years I heard this story from time to time, about how my Mom and her brothers received awards for 100% attendance over several years at church meetings (and at school as well). Uncle Lloyd mentioned a picture submitted to the Improvement Era to that effect. I never came close to any such attendance record, but I do have some talent in wasting time finding stuff on the internet, so .. it took a little time reading some very interesting back issues, but eventually found this ..
In the Oct 1954 issue of the Improvement Era page 768 it reads, "A Trio of Winners. Elizabeth Spencer with her brothers (l. to r.) Campbell and Lloyd. All who know them are very proud of this family and the record they have established.
This letter is a copy given to me in Sep 2014 by Rulon Taylor. His father (Paul Taylor) and my grandfather (then Bishop Clyde C Spencer) were next door neighbours and served together in Magrath Ward Bishopric for many years. I had seen this letter before, but now have a copy to transcribe .. "A Faith Promoting Incident in my life. This incident has been one of the outstanding faith promoting experiences of my life, because it taught me that the Lord speaks through the priesthood and that we must not allow our feelings to influence us. “Remembering Him as we fast may make it easier to endure those short 24 hours without food or drink ..” May we each learn to receive the blessings of obeying the law and covenant of the fast. This past summer we were invited to participate in the Magrath Camp of Israel Trek, along with many of you and your youth, for an entire weekend. That weekend happened to be a fast Sunday.
What is Perfect (or complete) Love? Mormon taught us, in his letter to his son Moroni (Mor 8.16-17): “[..] Behold, I speak with boldness, having authority from God; and I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear. And I am filled with charity, which is everlasting love; [..]”
.. When this earth life experience ends, will your love and concern for your own friends and family members stop? Of course not. For each of these individuals we experience shared joy in their successes, and sorrow with them in their trials. We pray for them and worry about them. .. So, what can we do? Brothers and Sisters, the answer lies in the Temple. Repent and get yourself worthy to receive a temple recommend. Carry it with you – especially to the Temple – as often as possible. Have your family sealed to you there. President McMahon asked us to teach you to: “Come to the temple and return often. 'Be' in the temple until it feels comfortable”. There your prayers will be heard and answered. There you will find peace and direction and guidance for your own lives and for those you love. There you will start to develop and feel the 'perfect love' our Father has for us. In our day, the ancient Law of Sacrifice has been replaced by a new higher Law of Sacrifice, now requiring of us our own “broken heart and contrite spirit”. What is meant by this phrase? How do we know and show we have a broken heart and a contrite spirit? And why is this considered to be a sacrifice? I came across this quote (by a Brother Bryce Hammond in 2008) which better captured the intent of my thoughts: “When Christ came to earth, he restored the Melchizedek priesthood with its accompanying higher ordinances. The Mosaic law was also fulfilled in Christ at that time, and the type of sacrifices performed in temples were consequently changed. Blood sacrifices were no longer required. Intermediary animals were also now not required. All of the Lord’s covenant people [are now] able to approach the Lord directly and offer a self-sacrifice of their time,their talents, and everything that they [have], including the only true sacrifice we can give God, our individual will. The form of the sacrifice changed, but the meaning and symbolism remain[s] exactly the same.” The Magrath Trek Recap video was produced and premièred at the Magrath Stake Sat 25 Oct 2014 evening conference session .. Magrath Sun 26 Oct 2014: "Stayed up to 1am last night telling Ma (because she had to work at DW till 11pm) all about the great talks at the Sat night [conference] session .. Adrien had played her flute as part of the youth choir final number (great job, eh) and Pa was quoted a few times in the Trek video (Ma was too shy to go on camera). Even saw a bunch of our treklings there in the audience and in the choir and in the video! Sweet Video is posted on the site already at Ma was surprised they got a good shot of the old guitelele .. and of us holding hands on the final walk out of the valley .. and what a great bunch of kids! As Bro Evans said as he started his talk last night, "my trek family was the best" .. I concur - ours was too! No wonder all my talks in July and thereafter reference trek somehow .." Monday 28 July 2014
My Good Trek Family Children, Daughters: Hope, Faith, Charity, Grace, Mercy, Harmony and Felicity and Sons: Lehi, Ammon, Mormon, Mosiah and Nephi I trust this letter and package finds you each in good health and condition. Three short weeks ago we packed up the family handcart and tent and crossed the bridge out of the valley as a trek family. I know it seems like an eternity ago, but even after all this time, we still we think of each of you often. Two weeks ago many of your youth along with ever so many other dedicated stake members, on the trail and behind the scenes, participated in an amazing Camp of Israel re-enactment – Magrath Stake Trek 2014. I was blessed to be able to go, along with my good wife, as one of the 20 'Ma and Pa' families. We were assigned an amazing youth captain and 11 additional 'trek children', a handcart and our family food, water and supplies. We did not find out who was assigned to our 'trek family' until the morning we arrived to depart on trek. One of our young 'trek daughters' later confessed, to her own parents, to thinking to herself; “Oh no, we got the OLD parents!”. I suspect many of her 'trek siblings' initially entertained the same thought. For my part, despite not knowing their names and faces before we started, I experienced an unexpected overpowering feeling of family love and concern for our 'trek family', days before we even met them. That 'trek family' bond only increased as we worked and talked and prayed together along the trail. I suspect that this spirit was a result of the preparation, faith and prayers of our dedicated stake leaders and the stake fast held for our youth that weekend that you all participated in. The entire event for me, while physically challenging, was a spiritual feast at every turn. Getting a chance to get to know just a few of your amazing children was a marvellous experience for my wife and I. It was also telling that almost to a person afterwards, each participant felt that their own 'trek family' had been the 'best family on trek'. Monday 7 July 2014 My Good Trek Family Children, Daughters: Hope, Faith, Charity, Grace, Mercy, Harmony and Felicity and Sons: Lehi, Ammon, Mormon, Mosiah and Nephi I trust this letter finds you each in good health and condition. We have, with tender feelings, sent you all back home today to your 'former friends and birth [parents]' (see Hymn 292). I told your trek Ma that it felt like you were all leaving our trek home on the same day. I suppose that's sometimes what happens when you adopt twelve-uplets along the trail. |
Roger DaviesMy mom (and my grandkids) couldn't be at all my public speaking assignments, so I post them here for them/her and you to read .. Archives
May 2023