In the Oct 1954 issue of the Improvement Era page 768 it reads, "A Trio of Winners. Elizabeth Spencer with her brothers (l. to r.) Campbell and Lloyd. All who know them are very proud of this family and the record they have established.
29 Oct 2014 - It should come as no surprise that Elizabeth Spencer Davies Olsen, at age 81 years 7 months 8 days is currently serving another mission, this time in Nauvoo, IL .. I suspect she has good attendance at her meetings down there as well.
Source: https://archive.org/stream/improvementera5710unse#page/n81/mode/2up
Followup: I was in a nearby town recently fixing a nice lady's computer and she mentioned that she had been in a photo in the Relief Society Magazine in the 1950's .. and could that magazine be viewed. Let's try. It took about 5 minutes to find her, sweet!
See also: https://archive.org/stream/reliefsocietymag42reli#page/336/mode/2up/search/verla